WalkwithGod.com » Entries tagged with "isle of lewis"
The Ministry of Donnie Stewart
Donnie Stewart is the founding pastor of New Wine Church on the Isle of Lewis in Scotland. In 2007, I had the privilege of sharing some thoughts with his congregation about his ministry. The following are the notes used for that message. Romans 13:7 (Give honor to whom honor is due) Much is said about Paul and other historical and famous contemporary ministers. I want to share some about your pastor, Donnie Stewart. What Has Donnie Done? Preached the truth Stood as a voice crying in the wilderness Loved the unlovely Opened his home to many, many people Given of his time freely Forgiven personal injury Prayed for his enemies Worked to promote unity Studied scripture for hours Been faithful to write what he has heard from the Lord Promoted the ministry of others unselfishly Created an atmosphere of opportunity Led people into worship Lived what he … Read entire article »
Filed under: Inspirational