WalkwithGod.com » Entries tagged with "bill gates"
Windows is Ungodly and Unix is the Right Operating System
Lest I be mistaken, let me remind readers that this does fall into the “HUMOR” category, especially “Good Examples of Bad Exegesis.” But if you like this kind of stuff, read on. Someone on a list recently was writing about how God gifts people differently, including techies. They said: One of the hard lessons we learned is that God calls different people with different skills to work for Him. And He chooses the people with those skills for a purpose. The same way that He made some to be pastors, and some to be teachers, He also made some to be Windows people, and others to be Linux people (I still think the “Mac people” are a mistake… [!joking!]). I responded with this: Well put. This is, in fact, scriptural. In Matthew 19:12, we … Read entire article »
Filed under: Bible Studies, Good Examples of Bad Exegesis, Humor