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Meditation 136
Today’s Meditation Click to read: Matthew 26:74-75 The grace of God comes to us in many ways. For Peter, it was the simple sound of a rooster crowing. Think about it. Peter had grown up in Israel and heard more roosters crow than most of will ever hear. It was nothing new, nor was it special in and of itself. But this time, a common occurence was anointed by God to prick through the veil of denial … Read entire article »
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Meditation 135
Today’s Meditation Click to read: Isaiah 37:33-36 God in His grace will fight for you. That is one part of the grace of God we tend to forget in our New Testament mentality. It was a vital part of the existence of Israel in the Old Testament. They had real enemies just like we do. But their enemies brandished swords and spears; they came in droves and surrounded cities or raided crops. To the Israelites, God’s willingness … Read entire article »
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Meditation 134
Today’s Meditation Click to read: Malachi 4:5-6 What would you do if someone continually offended you? What if you were in a position of kingly leadership, and this person consistently broke all the rules (or the big ones anyway), defied your authority and actively sought to undermine you? How long would you put up with it before you went after their head to judge their rebellion? What kind of messenger would you send them? Would he wear … Read entire article »
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Meditation 133
Today’s Meditation Click to read: Ecclesiastes 9:10-17 The grace of God is seen in the very natural things of life. Day to day living is filled with the grace of God. Oh, I know that we tend to speak of grace as something mysterious or almost magical, like a special powder or incantation which is brought out only in times of crisis. But Jesus came to live on this earth long before He died. His redemption includes … Read entire article »
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Meditation 132
Today’s Meditation Click to read: Acts 10:28 Grace makes us clean. We live in a world divided. Nation rises against nation. Politicians play on class conflict to their advantage. Ethnicity is seen as a reason for slaughter or genocide. Religions war with one another. Even in the church there are plenty of people who despise those who do not believe as they do. Wholesale, we see people who call others common, dirty or unwanted for any number … Read entire article »
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Meditation 131
Today’s Meditation Click to read: Romans 10:17 How does someone get this grace? How much does it cost? Where do you buy it? Can you get it on the Internet? God in His wisdom chose a timeless method for receiving His free gift of grace: hearing. This isn’t just any plain old level of hearing. You don’t have to have ears that work, in other words. You just need to get the message some way, somehow, somewhere. … Read entire article »
Filed under: Meditations
Meditation 130
Today’s Meditation Click to read: Romans 10:13 God’s grace reaches out to everyone. Black. White. Yellow. Red. Poor. Rich. Famous. Obscure. Loved. Hated. Despised. Appreciated. Clever. Stupid. Moral. Godless. Faithful. Traitorous. Kind. Mean. Ugly. Beautiful. Innie. Outtie. Talented. Limited. Awkward. Graceful. Friendly. Shy. “Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Remember the stories of grace you have heard. Remember the people’s names that YOU know about who were unlikely candidates to receive such a … Read entire article »
Filed under: Meditations
Meditation 129
Today’s Meditation Click to read: Luke 11:51 God’s grace does not forget those whom He loves. Perhaps it is strange to look at this verse in the context of the word grace, but on the other hand, grace itself must have a standard against which it is measured in order for it to be grace. If God never punished sin at all, then grace would not be grace. It would simply be a way of life where … Read entire article »
Filed under: Meditations
Meditation 128
Today’s Meditation Click to read: Mark 2:23-27 God’s grace abounds so far in our lives. Most of us likely just stick food into our mouths without too much thought. At best, we might wonder how healthy the food is or if it is going to cause indigestion. The disciples had a worse case than that. They had people watching over their shoulder for a chance to accuse them and their Master, and they jumped on this chance … Read entire article »
Filed under: Meditations
Meditation 127
Today’s Meditation Click to read: 1 Kings 19:18 Be humble. God’s grace reaches us in so many ways, but this particular instance is one which every Christian needs at some point. One of the tricks in the devil’s bag is to make a person feel that he or she is going at it all alone, that no matter how much other people say they understand or identify with you, they really don’t. Generally, a few years and … Read entire article »
Filed under: Meditations