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How to Overcome Fear
How can I overcome fear in my life? This is a common question. The past few months, I’ve had opportunity to correspond on this topic. Here are some thoughts on the subject which I believe will prove helpful to you if you are dealing with fear. The dark. Strangers. Financial failure. Disease. Cancer. Accidents. Hunger. Death. These are all part of the many faces of the same enemy: fear. Fear is a powerful weapon which can be used to paralyze an enemy. Snakes use it to seemingly charm their victims into a frozen state in which they cannot seem to flee the advance of certain death. A lion’s roar is meant to do the same. If you are struggling with fear, you don’t need a lot of explanation as to what it can do … Read entire article »
Filed under: Featured, Questions and Answers
The Ministry of Donnie Stewart
Donnie Stewart is the founding pastor of New Wine Church on the Isle of Lewis in Scotland. In 2007, I had the privilege of sharing some thoughts with his congregation about his ministry. The following are the notes used for that message. Romans 13:7 (Give honor to whom honor is due) Much is said about Paul and other historical and famous contemporary ministers. I want to share some about your pastor, Donnie Stewart. What Has Donnie Done? Preached the truth Stood as a voice crying in the wilderness Loved the unlovely Opened his home to many, many people Given of his time freely Forgiven personal injury Prayed for his enemies Worked to promote unity Studied scripture for hours Been faithful to write what he has heard from the Lord Promoted the ministry of others unselfishly Created an atmosphere of opportunity Led people into worship Lived what he … Read entire article »
Filed under: Inspirational
God Gives Us Opportunity
Would you rather have cash in hand or an opportunity? Would you rather have a sure job or an opportunity? Would you rather have a paint by number or a blank canvas? How we answer these questions every day of our lives not only shows what we understand about God, but it also determines much of the course of our future. Listen to this Podcast on what God thinks about opportunity. [display_podcast] … Read entire article »
Filed under: Bible Studies, Featured, Podcast
Hidden Sin (Joshua 7)
Joshua 7 talks about the sad life of Achan, a man who tried to hide his sin from God. For those who are struggling with confession, guilt and overcoming the bondage of sin, this sermon is a must-hear. [display_podcast] You may also view the notes on this study by clicking on this link. … Read entire article »
Filed under: Bible Studies, Featured, Podcast
How to Teach Children About the Holy Spirit
Teaching children is always an adventure. Once you begin to share with children about the supernatural realm, some people become uncomfortable with just how to do this. This lesson talks about ways in which you can share some of the truths about the Holy Spirit with children. [display_podcast] Other ideas: Use examples and object lessons. Use testimonies (people you know, tapes, videos, MP3s, books). During your family prayer time, answer their questions, tell your own story. During group prayer time, find out if your children have any questions about what they hear or experience. During “revival” services, there are often great opportunities for children to experience more of God and His Spirit. Read and study Acts 2, 8, 10 and 19 with them. Also 1Cor 12-14. Pray for them and lay hands on them. … Read entire article »
Filed under: Bible Studies, Podcast
How to Break Life Controlling Habits
Habits can be very hard to break. Once started, they are harder to stop. Some habits are good, while others can destroy us. How can you break bad, life-controlling habits? First, realize that God accepts you as you are. That doesn’t mean He likes your bad habit. But He loves YOU. Second, believe God’s Word when He says that you do have the power to change. It comes from Him. But Jesus will give you the strength to overcome any obstacle, no matter how great. As Bess ten Boom told her sister Corrie, “There is no pit so deep, but God is deeper still.” Paul spoke it clearly long ago in Philippians 4:19, “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.” Next, accept your own responsibility. Don’t ask God to help … Read entire article »
Filed under: Blog
The Different Cries of the Heart
In this world, our heart often aches and cries out. Understanding the reason for the cry is important if we are to find help for ourselves or offer comfort to someone else who is in need. Pain of life Pain of our own mistakes Pain of injustice Pain of our own sins Pain resulting from our own sin nature (the flesh) fighting against the spirit Pain of wanting more of God (similar to above) Longing for our eternal home … Read entire article »
Filed under: Blog
How to Practice Being Quiet
You can be quiet if you have peace with God have peace with others believe in God’s sovereignty believe in God’s goodness You benefit from quietness Isaiah 30:15 – strength Isaiah 32:17 – fruit of right living Practice being quiet with all the common noises around you. Write down what you hear. Use your lunch hour as a practice time. Develop a time of solitude. God came daily in the cool of the day to meet with Adam and Eve. Turn off the noise. Choose different noise if necessary to block out external sounds. Don’t talk as much. Let others talk and just practice listening. … Read entire article »
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