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God Looks on the Heart
In reading Samuel again, I was struck by something I hadn’t thought of before. In chapter 16, when God tells Samuel to go anoint a new king, we are told that Samuel looked at Jesse’s firstborn and said, “Surely God’s anointed is standing right here.” God told Samuel that He had rejected Eliab because God looks on the heart, not the outside as man does. We’ve heard that before. What hit me is who God was speaking to: Samuel. This is the guy who had served in God’s presence since he was a child. He heard the voice of God as a youngster and became established as a prophet in Israel. Scripture even says that “God did not let his words fall to the ground.” Now, as a much older man, he had walked … Read entire article »
Filed under: Bible Studies, Blog
Don’t Make God Speak Twice
Had some thoughts while listening to a sermon on Jonah. In Jonah 3, it says God spoke to Jonah the second time. What happened between the first time God spoke and the second time? We know. Jonah rejected God’s word. Jonah’s life took a decidedly downhill turn (repeated use of word “down”). Jonah possibly attempted suicide by telling the mariners to cast him into the sea. (“I’ll show you, God. I’ll die before I obey you.”) That’s at least one way of interpreting his actions. God overrules Jonah even in the face of certain death. When the fish swallows Jonah, Jonah hit rock bottom. Jonah learned that you cannot run from God. Jonah repented. This all happened because Jonah did not obey God the first time that God spoke to him. Wow. Jonah’s walk of obedience began while he was … Read entire article »
Filed under: Bible Studies, Blog
Hannah Gave Up Her Son
As I’ve been rereading Samuel, one of the thoughts that strikes me from Chapter 1 is that Hannah gave up her son to God at such an extremely young age. The Bible says she kept him until he was weaned. How long was that? In Western countries, about one year or less. But even in the middle East, where it’s not uncommon to have children nursing through a second or third year, it was still a very short time. Then there was the issue of where she was taking him. Don’t picture a big cathedral with stained glass windows and an ample supply of doting helpers. The temple hadn’t been built yet (remember? Solomon wasn’t even alive at this point). No, this was … Read entire article »
Filed under: Blog
When God Saves Your Dinner
I’ve been reading through Samuel again. In chapter 9, Saul is looking for his father’s lost donkeys. At the prodding of his servant, they try to find Samuel the Seer (prophet) to find out if he can help them locate the asses. In vv 23-24, Samuel tells the cook at a feast he had called to bring out the piece which had been chosen and laid aside. The cook brings out the shoulder and puts it in front of Saul at Samuel’s request. Samuel tells Saul that this really good piece of meat has been laid up for him from the time Samuel called the feast. So, in our life, there are times when we have a divine moment where we realize God is calling us, speaking our name, bringing us out of … Read entire article »
Filed under: Blog
Inspirational Art Print
Historically, many people have used their artistic skills to glorify God. WisdomGear.com has been developing a range of art prints which combine the wisdom from God’s Word with images which are intended to inspire, encourage and uplift. A little background: the child’s hand belongs to my son. The adult hand, weathered, worn and (well) bandaged is my Dad’s. They both fell asleep one day, and I being a photographer thought it was a great time to … Read entire article »
Filed under: Inspirational
How to Overcome Shyness
Q. I know I’m probably too shy, but it’s the way I am. I wouldn’t even know how to change now. So how does one begin to overcome shyness? A. I also know shyness. I lived it for years as a child and adolescent. I also craved attention enough that I would act the clown at times to get that attention. But inside, I didn’t know how to express myself or have a decent conversation about anything of substance with another person. (That leaves you, by the way, very open to negative and damaging relationships with the opposite sex. Simply put, the affection starved person often jumps at the first opportunity — no matter how deplorable the conditions. Then the downhill spiral really starts.) Here’s the truth: Some people will not like you … Read entire article »
Filed under: Questions and Answers
What Does It Mean to Trust God?
Q. I’ve been told that I have to do is believe and trust God right. Someone finally got it through to me that I’ve just got to do it, to ignore everything else within me that goes against believing and trusting Him. So, I finally got it and am ready to start again. But now someone else has told me it doesn’t work that way. Can you help clear things up for me a little please? A. I like to think in terms of relationship. Your walk with God is pretty much like any other relationship you can imagine: you exist as a person, and God exists as a “person.” In any relationship, one person will have questions, requests, desires or communication which he wishes to share. He has to be … Read entire article »
Filed under: Featured, Questions and Answers
Fasting: Do I Wait for God to Tell Me to Fast?
We recently received this question: Q: “When people fast, do they decide when to do it or does God tell them when to do it and for how long?” A: Our initial response was that in Matthew 6, Jesus said, “When you fast,” which assumes that His disciples would fast at some point. Some Christians practice a “fast day” per week when they fast one or more meals. Some people fast for special times of seeking God. Some churches fast together during times of intercession or renewal. There was a follow up question: Q: “So God doesn’t tell you when to fast? Just that you should fast?” A: He has the option to if He wants us to. That’s where being led of the Spirit comes in. But if He doesn’t say, “Fast today,” it … Read entire article »
Filed under: Questions and Answers
The Life is in the Blood
I shall never forget the day when I came so close to being united with my dear Lord Jesus. It was the tenth day of August in the year of 1992, and I was sixty three years old. It all started a month earlier one night just after finishing dinner. I suddenly felt a burning and gnawing feeling in my stomach, but I did not think much about the feeling. I assumed that it was just heartburn or maybe indigestion. Eventually the pain went away, and I went back to sleep. A couple of weeks passed, when one night I instantly woke up from a burning and gnawing feeling in my stomach again. I finally fell asleep but I decided to give the doctor a visit the next day to check … Read entire article »
Filed under: Inspirational