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Children and Scripture

Today, I was reading Psalm 116 to some of my children.  As is often my custom, I would read a verse and then ask a question to make sure they were listening. I got to the verse about, “You have delivered my soul from death, mine eyes from tears, and my feet from falling.”  I asked my daughter, “What has God delivered our soul from?”    “Death.”   I asked my son what God delivered our eyes from, and he had trouble remembering that part.  While one child was “boo-hooing,” as a hint I asked my younger daughter, and she said, “Tears.”   Then I asked my son, “What did God deliver our feet from?”  He said “Falling.”  About that time my younger daughter chimed in with “Stinking!” QUESTION:  Has God delivered your feet from … Read entire article »

Filed under: Featured, Humor

Seven Reasons Jesus Wants You to Be Free

Seven Reasons Jesus Wants You to Be Free

There are many, many people in our world who are bound by something.  That something could be bad memories, the past, addiction to substances or pornography, emotional baggage, fear, religious tradition, hurt/pain, despair, hopelessness, or plain old sin.  In any case, the truth is, Jesus wants you to be free.  Here are seven reasons why: He created you to be free. He shed His blood for you to live free. Freedom is a mark of following the truth. Living … Read entire article »

Filed under: Bible Studies

Did It Snow on Christmas Day?

Did It Snow on Christmas Day?

As I look at the snow falling outside my window, I ponder how many of our perceptions of Mary and Joseph’s situation arise from our own geographical location. We think of the poor cold baby and the shivering shepherds.  Likely it was not that cold when Jesus was born.  The shepherds  were probably having a cool but rather uneventful night when the angels appeared. Regardless, He came.  And for that we celebrate.  And the world … Read entire article »

Filed under: Inspirational, Uncategorized

Read Oboe Jones Online

Read Oboe Jones Online

Kevin Frank, the creative genius behind the award winning Oboe Jones comic strip has now begun placing the comics online for anyone to be able to read.  Frank was a staff cartoonist for Cornerstone Magazine.  As a youth, I thoroughly enjoyed the immense amount of detail he put into the comics while maintaining a straight message of commitment to Christ, community, service and other good themes.  Try it and let us know what your favorite … Read entire article »

Filed under: Inspirational

Thoughts on Tithing

Q.  I appreciate this editorial [in a recent e-mail Meditation] on “Giving” and the way you went on to explain how it is supposed to be done, biblically.  Does tithing have anything to do with what you described, or is it simply money and or items giving to organizations as offering? A.  You pressed the sensitive button here.  Almost 20 years or so ago, I decided to pull out all the scriptures on tithing that I could.  What I found surprised me.  Most people in NT churches preach on tithing, say it’s required and include ample exposition on Malachi that we are cursed with a curse because we are robbing God in our tithes and offerings. That never really set well with me, especially after the study on tithing I did myself.  … Read entire article »

Filed under: Questions and Answers

Teaching My Family to Pray – UPDATED

Yesterday during the morning hours, I felt that God was speaking to me about my country and my family.  In particular, the Spirit spoke to me that things are going to get much worse in this country.  My responsibility is to teach my family how to pray. Our family has been having family devotions for years and years, so the concept of praying in our family is not new.  But I believe that there is much more for my family to learn about prayer, especially in light of the Word I heard. You see, in Ezekiel, God told the prophet that He was looking for a man to make up the hedge and stand in the gap for the land, but He could not find one.  The thought occurred to me, if … Read entire article »

Filed under: Blog, How to Walk with God

Humor: Women Dancing in Church and Wearing High Heels

Here’s another good example of bad exegesis, where scripture gets twisted beyond its primary intent.  This one is original with me.  (Just shows how warped a creative mind can be if it tries hard enough.)  Please remember that this is intended to be read with tongue firmly planted in cheek, but I do enjoy needling my sisters in Christ with this just for fun. Years ago, I wondered if it was proper for men or women to dance in church.  I searched the scriptures diligently.  My seeking was not in vain.  When I found Psalm 68:16 which reads, “Why leap ye, ye high hills?”  I realized that it was at least improper for women to do so.  We note that the Psalmist clearly delineates between men and women by using the … Read entire article »

Filed under: Bible Studies, Good Examples of Bad Exegesis

Bible Proof That We Must Not Watch Television

Bible Proof That We Must Not Watch Television

When my brother-in-law was in college, he was listening to AM radio one day and heard a preacher come on the radio.  The preacher stated that God had given him a scripture to prove that Christians are not supposed to watch TV.  Enthralled, my brother-in-law left the radio on. The minister read from the passage where Jesus was transfigured before Peter, James and John.  Then, after the transfiguration, on the way down the mountain, Jesus commanded … Read entire article »

Filed under: Bible Studies, Good Examples of Bad Exegesis

Grace and Judgment

Q. Could you please share with me about this statement I got from a preacher that “Grace is judgment being postponed?” A. This statement is one of many which have been developed by man to help teach or relate a bit of truth about the character and nature of God. Like most man-made statements, you have to weigh it and figure out what it mean. At base level, we understand that we are all born in sin and are headed toward a day of judgment with the Almighty God. We also understand from scripture that we deserve eternal punishment for our wholesale rejection of God and His laws in our daily lives. Through the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we further understand that His death buys … Read entire article »

Filed under: Questions and Answers

If You Were Rahab, Who Would You Invite?

In Joshua 2, we read  the story of the spies who came into Jericho in order to spy out the land.  Upon reaching Jericho, they went to the house of Rahab the harlot and lodged there.  (OK.  I’m wondering how they picked a harlot’s house as their preferred motel.)  When the king of Jericho heard that they had come, he ordered Rahab to turn them over.  Rahab lied and said that the men had already left.  In reality, she had hidden them in order to save their lives. Rahab then told the men that everyone was filled with fear over the Israelites and what their God had been doing in their behalf.  She asked that the men spare her life and the lives of her extended family.  The spies agreed.  “Our … Read entire article »

Filed under: Bible Studies, Blog