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Meditation 27
![Meditation 27](https://www.walkwithgod.com/wp-content/themes/cover-wp/scripts/timthumb.php?src=http://www.walkwithgod.com/images/headshotsmall.jpg&w=230&h=165&zc=1&q=100)
Today’s Meditation Click to read: Numbers 22:27-33 Are you beating Balaam’s donkey? Balaam was an angry man. He saw a chance to make some money, and he didn’t resist it. God had already told him clearly NOT to go with the men from the king of Moab, but Balaam flat out disobeyed and went because he wanted the reward the king promised him. When God sent an angel to prevent Balaam from going, the donkey did her … Read entire article »
Filed under: Meditations
Meditation 26
![Meditation 26](https://www.walkwithgod.com/wp-content/themes/cover-wp/scripts/timthumb.php?src=http://www.walkwithgod.com/images/headshotsmall.jpg&w=230&h=165&zc=1&q=100)
Today’s Meditation Click to read: 1 Corinthians 10:20-21 Spring cleaning is here. We all know about Spring cleaning. After being cooped up in a house all winter, you get tired of seeing the same old stuff over and over. You wonder, “Why do I even own this fish-shaped lamp? Why do I have three sets of junior-sized golf clubs?” Spring comes, and out goes all the rubbish. Not that it is truly junk. We just realize how … Read entire article »
Filed under: Meditations
Meditation 25
![Meditation 25](https://www.walkwithgod.com/wp-content/themes/cover-wp/scripts/timthumb.php?src=http://www.walkwithgod.com/images/headshotsmall.jpg&w=230&h=165&zc=1&q=100)
Today’s Meditation Click to read: 1 Corinthians 7:21 Better yourself if at all possible. Paul’s point here can be missed so easily when he tells us to abide in the calling in which God has called us. In a nutshell, Paul is saying that it doesn’t matter how high or low you are in the social scale; it doesn’t matter whether you are married or not; you can serve the Lord no matter what. This is in … Read entire article »
Filed under: Meditations
Meditation 24
![Meditation 24](https://www.walkwithgod.com/wp-content/themes/cover-wp/scripts/timthumb.php?src=http://www.walkwithgod.com/images/headshotsmall.jpg&w=230&h=165&zc=1&q=100)
Today’s Meditation Click to read: John 19:19 The leader who didn’t abdicate. In our day you hear about leaders of countries who left in order to save their skin. Haiti and other countries like it have been frequent examples of places where those in leadership have used their position to pillage and ruin the finances entrusted to them only to depart once the game was up. Jesus was a true leader. He went ahead of the people. He … Read entire article »
Filed under: Meditations
Why Do Parents Call Their Children Bad Names?
“Monday’s child is fair of face. Tuesday’s child is full of grace. Wednesday’s child is …” Do you remember the next part? If you were born on Wednesday, perhaps you do. “Wednesday’s child is full of woe.” And so on goes the little poem that most people have heard at least once. That rhyme carries little real weight in our culture, but it carries an even more important message. Names and stereotypes really do matter. I know someone whom we’ll call Brett (not his real name) who was raised by an abusive father. As he grew up, he consistently was told that he was stupid, worthless, a retard and other vile names. Hurt and confused, Brett began trying to find relief from pain in drugs and alcohol as a young teenager. … Read entire article »
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