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Meditation 106

Today’s Meditation 0 Click to read: John 11:35-36 During this whole episode in which Jesus was talking with Martha and Mary regarding the death of their brother Lazarus, we see Jesus in a way rarely presented in scripture.  Often we read that He was “moved with compassion.”  And surely in Him the love of God was manifest fully and perfectly for everyone He met.  But many of the people He raised from the dead were people that were on the edges of the picture, people that lived their lives outside of His circle of friends.  Lazarus was different.  Jesus had confided in these people.  He had communed with them at their table in their home, probably on many occasions. Just think about it for a minute.  Jesus had seen grief many times before.  But … Read entire article »

Filed under: Meditations

Meditation 105

Today’s Meditation 0 Click to read: John 11:25 It’s an old truth.  It’s one we’ve heard before.  But it’s still as powerful today as ever.  Jesus said, “I am the resurrection, and the life.”  He alone is the One upon whom we can hang our hopes for eternity. Have you really thought about it lately?  Have you thought about the fact that you are going to die?  Have you had a sobering moment in which you pondered the fact that eternity (or the lack of eternity) depends solely on the truth of these words? Jesus’ statement is the basis for our peace.  It’s the basis for hope when loved ones pass away.  It’s our rock solid foundation for being able to face persecution, threats and even death.  We can face the unknown because Jesus … Read entire article »

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Meditation 104

Today’s Meditation 0 Click to read: John 10:39-40 God is a God of places and times.  Here we see Jesus escaping out of the hands of His opponents.  Where does He go?  He goes back to where it all started.  He goes to the spot where John began baptizing people.  As a human, I’m sure that Jesus was a partaker of the feelings of mystery and awe which surround places that are important to us.  (Isn’t that why Holy Land tours still exist and historical monuments worldwide get millions of visitors?)  Perhaps He took some solace in remembering the beginnings of His ministry and the ministry of John. But as Son of God, as a person led by the Holy Spirit, we also have to realize that God also works in and through such … Read entire article »

Filed under: Meditations

Meditation 103

Today’s Meditation 0 Click to read: John 10:14 Praise God!  Jesus is the Good Shepherd.  He is not a hireling.  He does not run out on you when the wolves are at your door.  He does not keep His distance from you.  No, He knows everyone who belongs to Him.  His knowledge is full and personal.  But His knowledge is not one way.  He allows Himself to BE known by us. Remember the truths in Psalm 23.  The Lord is our shepherd.  You can get as close to Him as you want.  He will let you know Him. God bless you with that reminder. Craig Thompson … Read entire article »

Filed under: Meditations

Meditation 102

Today’s Meditation 0 Click to read: Joshua 1:3 What ground are you claiming?  After God gave Joshua a mandate to “get up and get moving,” He followed up with this promise. “Joshua, I’ll give you a LOT of land!”  “How much, Lord?”  “As much as YOU SET YOUR FEET ON.”  “You mean I have to walk on as much land as I want?  You aren’t just going to GIVE me any land that I want by me just wishing for it or looking at it?”  “No, Joshua, I’m not.   Because I love you, I’m requiring that you WALK OUT YOUR INHERITANCE.” Hmm.  Isn’t God good to us?  He doesn’t let us get lazy.  How far do you want to go with God?  How much of an inheritance do you want?  What ground do you … Read entire article »

Filed under: Meditations

Meditation 101

Today’s Meditation 0 Click to read: Joshua 1:1-2 “What are you waiting for Joshua?  I know Moses was a great leader.  I know he was used by God in ways that no man has ever been used since.  He was called the meekest man upon the earth. Yes, I know he was the one I chose to deliver Israel out of Egypt. Yes, I also remember that he was the one that gave the law to my people Israel.  But Moses is dead.  It’s your turn now.  So get up and YOU lead my people over Jordan.” God has respect for His people who have followed Him in the past and blazed trails.  Remember, He -IS- the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  But He is not a God who is nostalgic to the … Read entire article »

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Meditation 100

Today’s Meditation 0 Click to read: Psalm 119:89 Some things never change.  That’s good to know in a techno-freaked world like ours which changes every second — or millisecond in some cases.  FOREVER!  That’s a long time.  God’s Word is not here today and gone tomorrow.  Forever is forever. Forever is after everything else we give esteem to has disappeared. But this is not simply “forever God’s Word is a nice thing.”  No, this is “forever, God’s Word is settled in heaven.”  When heaven and earth has passed away, God’s Word will still be settled. Praise God for His Word!  It is an anchor to our lives no matter where we are. Be blessed, Craig Thompson … Read entire article »

Filed under: Meditations

Meditation 99

Today’s Meditation 0 Click to read: Mark 12:28-34 Where is your mind?  God cares about how well you think and what you think about Him.  In this passage of scripture, one of the scribes came to Jesus asking Him a question.  Now, there had been a lot of questions, as we have already talked about previously. Some of the questions were deliberate attempts to snare Jesus.  But this scribe did not seem to have that same attitude.  His interest seemed to spring from a love for the scripture, perhaps the love which made him want to be a scribe in the first place.  At any rate, He asked the question, and Jesus answered it. Then, the scribe gave a response back.  He realized that Jesus’ response was truthful and very well said.  He even … Read entire article »

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Meditation 98

Today’s Meditation 0 Click to read: Phillipians 4:7 We always want to know.  We want to know why.  We want to know what.  We want to know who and how and a host of other questions that we have.  Knowledge reigns supreme — at least in our understanding.  But not in God’s.  There are some things you simply do not need to know.  There are some things that only the mind of God can fathom.  There are some things that are better left unsaid. What is God’s cure during these times?  Peace.  His peace is better than even having all of your questions answered.  Think about it: how many times have you HAD your questions answered only to then be faced with the temptations of unforgiveness, bitterness or resentment?  No, having ALL your questions … Read entire article »

Filed under: Meditations

Meditation 97

Today’s Meditation 0 Click to read: Mark 12:18-27 I marvel at the wisdom of God.  I’ve read through the Gospels numerous times, and I am so often amazed at the way Jesus responded to the questions and traps put before Him by the teachers of the law and other religious persons.  We have heard this particular scenario over and over, and we can probably give the story to anyone who wanted to know it.  But just remember again that Jesus may have heard this with His ears for the first time when it was posed to Him.  So put yourself in His shoes and imagine being the one who was given this question to answer.  Tough, huh? But Jesus had a way of always dealing with the core issue.  He didn’t just answer a … Read entire article »

Filed under: Meditations