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If Only You Knew: A Poem on Identity

This third poem was sent in with the request to publish it “Name Withheld.”  Even as a believer, people sometimes lose sight of who they are and what God says about them.  I’m posting it here as a reminder that even in the seeming comfort of the church there are still struggles.  People with real problems attend our churches and need to know HOW to find the answer in Jesus Christ.

If Only You Knew

Bitter, angry, alone,
Scared of the unknown.
Confused, messed up, hurt,
Feeling less than a piece of dirt.

‘Why am I here?’ you cry,
Awaiting for that longed reply.
‘where do I belong?’ you shout,
feeling fear and nothing but doubt.

Pushed, pulled, stretched,
It’s all SO far fetched.
which way do I turn?
what is it I yearn?

This and that, here and there,
I can’t possibly be everywhere.
backing out, turning away,
unsure of where to stay.

‘Come now let us settle the matter’
as it is written in Isaiah.
your sins are forgiven, they are as white as snow,
just don’t rebel, please don’t go.

He loves you more, if you only knew,
He sent His Son to die for you.
He can be your God, your Father, your Dad,
He is so much more than another fad.

His arms are open, ready to embrace,
will you please come on and join this race.
He won’t let you go, He’ll hold you tight,
both through the day and into the night.

With Him it’s finished, the battle’s won,
The victory is yours, the deed is done.
the price is paid, and paid in full,
God’s alive, He loves us all!

I am here, I belong,
I am new, the old me gone.
Here I fit and here I’ll stay,
every hour of every day.

I am happy, no longer sad,
no, not bitter, not even mad.
I can smile, leap and rejoice,
This is me, I made the choice!!






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One Response to "If Only You Knew: A Poem on Identity"

  1. Kayvonna Stigall says:

    Hi! Love this poem! We are having a Youth Conference this weekend and I would love to have one of our youth recite this poem on Sunday morning! I was checking to see if I need permission to do so?

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