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Meditation 121

Today’s Meditation 0 Click to read: Luke 21:36 God’s grace enables us to escape His wrath.  We know this in an eternal sense, but there will be a generation that lives (and dies) to endure the wrath of the Almighty God.  Simply put, I don’t want to be here.  And Jesus stated here that we don’t have to be a part of this awesome judgment.  His grace is available to those who will ask for it. Have you prayed specifically for this grace lately?  If not, ask Him. “Jesus, I pray now that I and my family will be accounted worthy to escape those things that are coming upon the earth.  Help me to watch, and may I stand before you in that day.” Forget arguments.  Forget pre-trib, mid-trib and post-trib.  Forget who has the … Read entire article »

Filed under: Meditations

Meditation 120

Today’s Meditation 0 Click to read: Zechariah 2:8 God’s grace is also our protection.  Think about it.  If God did not send His angels to guard us and keep us, if our welfare were truly left up to our genius or our survival abilities, how far would we make it?  We are not left in such a predicament.  God protects us daily. And His warning to those who would mess with His people is that we are the apple of His eye, a very special people. We must remember that the grace of God sifts everything that is allowed to come our way.  His grace is the rule which either prevents an attack completely or allows it to proceed for our benefit. How many times have we been completely spared from an all out … Read entire article »

Filed under: Meditations

Meditation 119

Today’s Meditation 0 Click to read: Mark 10:17-21 How else is God’s grace manifest to us?  We always think of grace as God giving us something, and yet in this instance, Jesus is trying to take away something from the rich young ruler.  More precisely, He told this young wealthy man to sell all that he had and give it to the poor.  Why did Jesus say this?  Quite plainly, because He loved the young man.  Jesus looked at him and looked INTO him and saw a man who could be His disciple right along with the rest of the crowd.  And Jesus wanted the man to succeed. You see, the man thought that he owned riches, but in reality, the riches owned the man.  The reason Jesus wanted to strip away the earthly … Read entire article »

Filed under: Meditations

Meditation 118

Today’s Meditation 0 Click to read: Matthew 4:16 “Those that sat in darkness have seen a great light.”  The amazing thing about God’s grace is that He comes looking for people who aren’t looking for Him.  The gentiles were in darkness and hopelessness for thousands of years.  They sought futility and found despair in their idols.  Imagine searching for what you think is truth but never finding it.  Imagine going to bed every night with an unknown dread of eternity and having all the questions concerning your existence and purpose but NEVER, EVER being able to receive relief from it all. But God designed that the gentiles–most of us reading this–should hear the good news that God loves us and wants to forgive us.  God wanted it to be different for all nations.  His … Read entire article »

Filed under: Meditations

Meditation 117

Today’s Meditation 0 Click to read: John 13:12-14 Did you ever know someone who was more interested in what you could do for them than what they could do for you?  People in public office and leaders of corporations often get bloated egos and imbalanced views of their own importance.  The little guy becomes a means to an end.  This is the opposite of the kingdom of God. Do you want to see grace?  See Jesus:  Son of God, Creator of the Universe, the Anointed One, Healer of Broken Hearts, Giver of Life, Lion of Judah, Lamb of God, Judge of the Earth.  Then picture Him taking off His garments and wrapping a towel around Himself, probably not a silk one either.  After that, He kneels down and washes dirty feet of twelve “little … Read entire article »

Filed under: Meditations

Meditation 116

Today’s Meditation 0 Click to read: Luke 15:20 What kind of father is yours?  This story gets taken for granted often.  When you think about it, this verse contains the crux of the whole issue of grace.  The father had compassion on his son as he saw him returning home.  We are not told what the thoughts were which flooded through the father’s mind at this precise moment.  But can’t we imagine them?  The same humanity that we partake of was in this man.  He could have been tempted to be angry at his son — he could see his condition from afar.  This one had strayed so far from the intent that the father had for him.  He could have remained calm and stoic, waiting where he was in silence as the … Read entire article »

Filed under: Meditations

Meditation 115

Today’s Meditation 0 Click to read: Romans 5:20 Thank God for superabounding grace!  Perhaps you like a good story with a suspense filled plot.  It looks as if the hero will never make it in time to save the earth, the city or the damsel in distress. The enemy gloats with laughter.  But suddenly, the tables turn and victory is won for the right.  Well, it’s not hokey in the least, but many times in our lives it does look as if we will go under, just as the disciples feared they would on the Sea of Galilee in the midst of the storm.  But Jesus always comes through. Maybe you are surrounded by a virtual army of villains.  It may seem that sin and evil have you surrounded.  Worse yet, maybe it seems … Read entire article »

Filed under: Meditations

Meditation 114

Today’s Meditation 0 Click to read: Psalm 52:5-7 Keep an eye out for the rich man this year.  I’m not talking about any rich man, but specifically the rich man who loves evil more than good and chooses lying rather than to speak righteousness.  God is going to pluck him out of his dwelling place.  I think about the weeds I see growing in my garden.  As I walk through the garden looking for fruit, I will see a weed growing up in the rows or among the plants.  I reach down and grab the weed near the base and pull it out as firmly and surely as I can.  I try to get all of the root I can. And then I toss it into the dirt to be scorched by the … Read entire article »

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Meditation 113

Today’s Meditation 0 Click to read: Colossians 1:18 It’s all about Jesus.  God has given His Son a place of honor and glory because of His life and sacrifice.  Jesus alone sits at the right hand of the Father.  No angel, no man or woman, no hero, no being or creation of any kind has this place of honor.  Jesus alone is the One who holds this place of honor, because He is the only one who is worthy.  How do we know that we are living in God? How do we comprehend that our lives are pleasing to the Father?  Primarily we know that God is pleased when we give Jesus first place.  To give Him first place in our hearts, our homes, our finances, our mind, our entertainment and more, this is … Read entire article »

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Meditation 112

Today’s Meditation 0 Click to read: Mark 13:13 Endurance.  One thinks of sweat, tight muscles, gritted teeth and a few grunts.  We picture athletes riding bicycles, running a marathon or climbing up a rocky cliff.  There is also patient endurance, the ability to out think or outlast an opponent, holding on by simply continuing to survive.  Whatever picture comes to mind, one ingredient is the same:  the willpower to not quit. We remember the scripture in Revelation which says that they overcame him (the devil) by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony.  Sometimes we forget that it also says that “they loved not their lives to the death.”  The grit and determination we have described earlier is mostly demonstrated in relation to very temporal events:  a race, a contest.  … Read entire article »

Filed under: Meditations