WalkwithGod.com » Inspirational
Did It Snow on Christmas Day?
As I look at the snow falling outside my window, I ponder how many of our perceptions of Mary and Joseph’s situation arise from our own geographical location. We think of the poor cold baby and the shivering shepherds. Likely it was not that cold when Jesus was born. The shepherds were probably having a cool but rather uneventful night when the angels appeared. Regardless, He came. And for that we celebrate. And the world … Read entire article »
Filed under: Inspirational, Uncategorized
Read Oboe Jones Online
Kevin Frank, the creative genius behind the award winning Oboe Jones comic strip has now begun placing the comics online for anyone to be able to read. Frank was a staff cartoonist for Cornerstone Magazine. As a youth, I thoroughly enjoyed the immense amount of detail he put into the comics while maintaining a straight message of commitment to Christ, community, service and other good themes. Try it and let us know what your favorite … Read entire article »
Filed under: Inspirational
What is the Refiner’s Fire?
A young friend recently wrote the following: Q. I was just reading todays meditation, what do you mean by going through the refiners fire, and how do you do that? A. The process is one of purification of precious metal by: fire. It has to do with the removal of impurities which would make the precious metal LESS than it should be. In the Christian life, we are so often weighed down by our own selfish desires, petty ambitions, amusements or attractions which are temporal instead of eternal. We focus on the skin of the person next to us rather than the soul. We judge by the eyes instead of valuing the person. In short, we don’t reflect the image and glory of God. How do we partake of this cleansing? You don’t “do” … Read entire article »
Filed under: Inspirational, Questions and Answers
Inspirational Art Print
Historically, many people have used their artistic skills to glorify God. WisdomGear.com has been developing a range of art prints which combine the wisdom from God’s Word with images which are intended to inspire, encourage and uplift. A little background: the child’s hand belongs to my son. The adult hand, weathered, worn and (well) bandaged is my Dad’s. They both fell asleep one day, and I being a photographer thought it was a great time to … Read entire article »
Filed under: Inspirational
The Life is in the Blood
I shall never forget the day when I came so close to being united with my dear Lord Jesus. It was the tenth day of August in the year of 1992, and I was sixty three years old. It all started a month earlier one night just after finishing dinner. I suddenly felt a burning and gnawing feeling in my stomach, but I did not think much about the feeling. I assumed that it was just heartburn or maybe indigestion. Eventually the pain went away, and I went back to sleep. A couple of weeks passed, when one night I instantly woke up from a burning and gnawing feeling in my stomach again. I finally fell asleep but I decided to give the doctor a visit the next day to check … Read entire article »
Filed under: Inspirational
The Ministry of Donnie Stewart
Donnie Stewart is the founding pastor of New Wine Church on the Isle of Lewis in Scotland. In 2007, I had the privilege of sharing some thoughts with his congregation about his ministry. The following are the notes used for that message. Romans 13:7 (Give honor to whom honor is due) Much is said about Paul and other historical and famous contemporary ministers. I want to share some about your pastor, Donnie Stewart. What Has Donnie Done? Preached the truth Stood as a voice crying in the wilderness Loved the unlovely Opened his home to many, many people Given of his time freely Forgiven personal injury Prayed for his enemies Worked to promote unity Studied scripture for hours Been faithful to write what he has heard from the Lord Promoted the ministry of others unselfishly Created an atmosphere of opportunity Led people into worship Lived what he … Read entire article »
Filed under: Inspirational
79 Year Old Man Completes 40 Day Water Fast
Most people don’t like to go without a meal for over four hours. Forty hours? That’s ridiculous. Four days is an eternity. How about forty days without food? Could you do it? Oh, and what if you were almost 80 years old? … Read entire article »
Filed under: Inspirational