WalkwithGod.com » Inspirational
I Believe the Good Old Bible

The Good Old Bible Since I have been converted, old satan and his folks Keep bothering me with questions in the form of silly jokes. I only have one answer, and this is it, my friend: I believe the good old Bible from beginning to the end. I believe that father Adam was the first created man, That Eve was made his wife according to the Maker’s plan. They lost their home in Eden; the Lord they did offend. I believe the good … Read entire article »
Filed under: Featured, Inspirational
In Memorial

Tender. Delicate. Fragile. Life. Abused, misused, or confused. Life. Sown. Grown. Not our own. Life. Two choices. Only two. A steady gaze inside with all that it can bring. Or adoration upward, obeisance to the king. Heartbeat. Stop. None. Life. No longer. Done. Brevity. Spark. Breath. Silence. Coldness. Death. All of us are headed, without question, to the grave. None among us has the power of life to save. Mercy. His Life. He gave it. Lose. Your life. To save it. The decision is yours. He gave. You can have true life. Only believe. Jesus, you are my Life. Craig Thompson I wrote this poem July 26, 1991 between 8:15-25 pm upon hearing that my good friend Lorna Dee Lavender had … Read entire article »
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Rules, Rulers and Rights
Romans 12 Grace and mercy are not an end to rules for conduct or an evidence that we are living perfect lives. Grace and mercy are reasons for us to obey God and the means by which God changes our hearts (the goodness of God leads you to repentance). The will of God is related to our sanctification, is related to finding our place in the body, and is something that we can know more of as we are changed in our minds. “Be not overcome of evil” ties into ch 13 — “rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft.” Romans 13 Paul deals here with our relationship to the outside world. Paul wrote this while living under Roman leadership and government. He knew that there are wicked rulers. Paul did … Read entire article »
Filed under: Bible Studies, Featured, How to Walk with God, Inspirational
Skit: Dad in My Mind

This is the Fathers Day skit I wrote for our local church. Enjoy! Please leave a comment if you like the video. For information on using this skit in your church or group, use the contact form. … Read entire article »
Filed under: Featured, Humor, Inspirational
How To Be a Mentor for a Day
This book is intended to guide you through the process of preparing for spending a day with a young man or young woman in order to positively impact them. Order your copy today by using the main contact form on this website or by ordering it on Amazon. Errata already corrected in the First Edition: To submit errata, please fill out this form: Errata … Read entire article »
Filed under: Featured, Inspirational, Mentoring
Preaching Through Proverbs: A Collection of Sermons by the Pastors of Central Africa

Imagine feeling the heat of a summer day as you sit inside a tin-roofed church building listening to a pastor preach to you from the Word of God. The echoes of voices resound as the congregants speak out their appreciation for what they are hearing. This is Africa. This is church. This is worship around the Word of God where Jesus is the center. This collection of sermons by the pastors of Central Africa contains stories, questions, and … Read entire article »
Filed under: Bible Studies, Featured, Inspirational
The Veil March 2018 Photos
These photos are from the March 2018 production of The Veil at Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church. If you are one of the dancers and would like a high resolution copy of one of the photos you are in, please contact me by e-mail or by using the Contact form on the site. [ngg_images source=”galleries” container_ids=”26″ display_type=”photocrati-nextgen_basic_thumbnails” override_thumbnail_settings=”0″ thumbnail_width=”100″ thumbnail_height=”75″ thumbnail_crop=”1″ images_per_page=”100″ number_of_columns=”0″ ajax_pagination=”0″ show_all_in_lightbox=”0″ use_imagebrowser_effect=”0″ show_slideshow_link=”1″ slideshow_link_text=”[Show as slideshow]” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”1000″] … Read entire article »
Filed under: Inspirational, Photos
Ten Things Your Children Need to Know
This is the outline of a talk I gave in Colorado last year to a group of parents/grandparents. Psalm 71:17-18 Guilt is not a feeling. God forgives. God is real. God acts in our lives and in our behalf. You can know God. Daily devotional habits will change your life. The Holy Spirit will empower you. Bad things happen to good people. You are gifted — and responsible to use your gifts properly. Eternity is a long time. Act in light of it! … Read entire article »
Filed under: Bible Studies, Featured, Inspirational
Mary’s First Real Thanksgiving

The following is the video of a skit I wrote entitled “Mary’s First Real Thanksgiving.” This is a sequel to last year’s skit, “Bad Thanksgiving Habits and How They Started.” It was performed by the drama team at Westmore COG on Sunday, Nov 20, 2016. This skit provides a good history lesson for those who really don’t understand the Thanksgiving Holiday. If you like it, PLEASE (please) leave a comment and pass the link on to someone else … Read entire article »
Filed under: Featured, Inspirational