WalkwithGod.com » Good Examples of Bad Exegesis
Sewing, Women, and the Bible

(This is another good example of bad exegesis. If you don’t appreciate humor, move along.) Brothers and sisters, I’m here to tell you about what the Bible admonishes us about sewing. Godly women sew! Women of faith sew! Men? They need to just leave it alone. As usual, I’ll be moving around in the Holy text today. The first mention of sewing was in Genesis after Eve ate from the fruit … Read entire article »
Filed under: Bible Studies, Featured, Good Examples of Bad Exegesis
Windows is Ungodly and Unix is the Right Operating System
Lest I be mistaken, let me remind readers that this does fall into the “HUMOR” category, especially “Good Examples of Bad Exegesis.” But if you like this kind of stuff, read on. Someone on a list recently was writing about how God gifts people differently, including techies. They said: One of the hard lessons we learned is that God calls different people with different skills to work for Him. And He chooses the people with those skills for a purpose. The same way that He made some to be pastors, and some to be teachers, He also made some to be Windows people, and others to be Linux people (I still think the “Mac people” are a mistake… [!joking!]). I responded with this: Well put. This is, in fact, scriptural. In Matthew 19:12, we … Read entire article »
Filed under: Bible Studies, Good Examples of Bad Exegesis, Humor
Apple Versus Windows
Yet another good example of bad scripture interpretation. Did you know that the Bible seems to favor Mac computers over Windows computers? This one came by way of a friend in the UK: Some of her friends on Facebook were giving her a hard time for switching to Mac. Here was her response: Jeremiah 9:21 warns us that “death has come through our windows” while Song of Solomon 2:5 says “refresh me with apples, for I am lovesick”. ‘Nuff said! 😛 Some more “fruit” for thought… “Like an apple tree among the trees of the woods, so is my beloved among the sons.” Song of Solomon 2:3 “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.” Proverbs 25:11 (that almost sounds just like my new computer!) … Read entire article »
Filed under: Good Examples of Bad Exegesis, Humor
Humor: Women Dancing in Church and Wearing High Heels
Here’s another good example of bad exegesis, where scripture gets twisted beyond its primary intent. This one is original with me. (Just shows how warped a creative mind can be if it tries hard enough.) Please remember that this is intended to be read with tongue firmly planted in cheek, but I do enjoy needling my sisters in Christ with this just for fun. Years ago, I wondered if it was proper for men or women to dance in church. I searched the scriptures diligently. My seeking was not in vain. When I found Psalm 68:16 which reads, “Why leap ye, ye high hills?” I realized that it was at least improper for women to do so. We note that the Psalmist clearly delineates between men and women by using the … Read entire article »
Filed under: Bible Studies, Good Examples of Bad Exegesis
Bible Proof That We Must Not Watch Television

When my brother-in-law was in college, he was listening to AM radio one day and heard a preacher come on the radio. The preacher stated that God had given him a scripture to prove that Christians are not supposed to watch TV. Enthralled, my brother-in-law left the radio on. The minister read from the passage where Jesus was transfigured before Peter, James and John. Then, after the transfiguration, on the way down the mountain, Jesus commanded … Read entire article »
Filed under: Bible Studies, Good Examples of Bad Exegesis