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Protected: TCPS Basketball
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Filed under: Uncategorized
The Power of Teamwork
Who are these people? Bud Abbott. Gracie Allen. Tim Conway. William Clark. Robin. Eve. Ernie. Wilbur Wright. Moses Horowitz. Some of the names ring a bell, while others may leave you a bit stumped looking for a clue. Let’s try rephrasing the question with a little more information. Do you recognize any of THESE names? Abbott and Costello. George Burns and Gracie Allen. Tim Conway and Don Knotts. Meriwether Lewis and William Clark. Batman and Robin. Adam and Eve. Orville and Wilbur Wright. Moe, Larry and Curly. Suddenly our minds start recognizing the names because they are put in association with someone else who was intricately tied to their place in history. We laugh with the 3 Stooges or The Apple Dumpling Gang. We read about the exploits of Lewis and Clark. … Read entire article »
Filed under: Inspirational
Should I Follow a Spirit Guide
It was in the summer of 1990. In about a month, I planned to be married. Happily absorbed in pleasant thoughts like this, I was returning home from the city to the Chattanooga area from Cleveland where I was working. It was evening. The sun was bright in the west. Chattanooga had not yet endured the years of perpetual roadwork which eventually led to I-75 being as wide as it is now at Volkswagen Drive. There were two lanes. As I was just about to top the hill coming from the Ooltewah side down into Chattanooga, a voice inside clearly spoke, “Switch lanes.” I was traveling in the fast lane that evening, and without hesitation, I switched to the right lane. After clearing the hill, I looked in horror as a car … Read entire article »
Filed under: Blog, Inspirational
Thoughts on Hell
Recently one of the Meditations mentioned hell as being a place designed by God. I received an e-mail response to that which I replied to privately. Since there are others who may have the same question or thoughts, I wanted to share my response here. … Read entire article »
Filed under: Questions and Answers
Protected: A Song
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Filed under: Inspirational
Apple Versus Windows
Yet another good example of bad scripture interpretation. Did you know that the Bible seems to favor Mac computers over Windows computers? This one came by way of a friend in the UK: Some of her friends on Facebook were giving her a hard time for switching to Mac. Here was her response: Jeremiah 9:21 warns us that “death has come through our windows” while Song of Solomon 2:5 says “refresh me with apples, for I am lovesick”. ‘Nuff said! 😛 Some more “fruit” for thought… “Like an apple tree among the trees of the woods, so is my beloved among the sons.” Song of Solomon 2:3 “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.” Proverbs 25:11 (that almost sounds just like my new computer!) … Read entire article »
Filed under: Good Examples of Bad Exegesis, Humor
Meditation 141
Today’s Meditation Click to read: Psalm 107:31-43 God’s grace, as we have seen, is shown to us in numerous ways. This section of scripture is a lively mixture. Here God is seen as the source of drought as well as abundance. He is seen as the One who causes people to wander in the desert as well as the One who gives people a permanent place to call home. Then the writer sums up everything by saying … Read entire article »
Filed under: Meditations
Meditation 140
Today’s Meditation Click to read: Psalm 107:21-30 Have you ever been in a situation where you felt totally out of control? We talk about people as being more or less controlling than others, but when it comes right down to it, there’s not that many people who like to get on the back of a mad bull and ride it. We all like to have a certain sense of stability and, well, control. But God sometimes allows … Read entire article »
Filed under: Meditations
Meditation 139
Today’s Meditation Click to read: Psalm 107:15-20 God’s grace extends even to drug addicts. Although this is not uniquely what the psalmist was describing in this passage, there are a lot of similarities which are worth considering. If you are caught in the bondage of drug addiction, you are in a prison which seems like it HAS gates of brass and bars of iron. Because of your foolish actions and sin, you are afflicted. What is the … Read entire article »
Filed under: Meditations