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A Merry Heart
May 26th, 2012 | Add a Comment
A merry heart does good, like medicine,
But a broken spirit dries the bones.
(Proverbs 17:22)
If you’ve been around church at all, you’ve probably heard that our hearts have a “God-shaped hole” and that we need a relationship with the Father to fill it. That’s the truth.
The problem is a lot of Christians still have heart issues, even though they’ve accepted Jesus into their lives. Did I say “a lot of Christians?” If we’re honest, we all do. Whilst I wholeheartedly believe in the complete work of Jesus at the cross and through His resurrection; I also acknowledge that we are works in progress; there is a process involved in becoming the people God has made us.
A lot of that process is worked out through our choices. Primarily, whether or not we are willing to believe God. Will we choose to recognise that when Father calls us sons, righteous, holy, healed…that is reality — despite what we may be experiencing at the time — and that the key to becoming more like the people He’s called us to be is to simply believe it as truth? Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. (Romans 12:2)
The condition of our heart determines how every other part of our lives pan out. There is proven correlation between the way we think and the body’s ability to heal itself. Even certain cancers, I’ve heard it said, can be traced to unforgiveness/bitterness/strife; and that’s just physically. Our heart’s condition affects the way we relate to people, how we hear people’s comments, how we react to other’s behavior etc. Our heart condition affects even our faith.
Whatever we might be struggling with: hurt, heartache, unbelief, discontentment, the best advice I can give is to lay it out all out in front of God. He is big enough to take it, compassionate enough to understand, and ready to deal with it all. Then choose: will I continue to be bound by the state of my heart, or will I come in line with what God says about me? I am whole, I have worth, I was created to be amazing, I am a son/daughter of the Most High, I can have what He says I can have, I can do what He says I can do, I am loved unconditionally. That’s enough to make your heart merry.
Kirsty Allen
Filed under: Guest Authors, Inspirational
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