WalkwithGod.com » Archive for February 2012
Meditation 40
Today’s Meditation Click to read: 2 Corinthians 2:11 Another lie we want to expose has this basic tenet: “If you follow God wholeheartedly, you will reach a peak of spirituality, but then you will get filled with pride and fall terribly far to the bottom.” This lie is usually followed up with mental pictures of famous or well-known Christians who, for one reason or another, did fall from their walk with God through pride. What does the … Read entire article »
Filed under: Meditations
Meditation 39
Today’s Meditation Click to read: 2 Corinthians 2:11 One of the other lies we want to expose is this: “If you really get close to God, you can’t get close to people.” The concept the enemy wants to introduce into your mind is that serving God will somehow harm your most intimate relationships. At a basic level, the enemy knows that intimacy, the desire to be loved and to have one’s love received by someone else, is … Read entire article »
Filed under: Meditations
Meditation 38
Today’s Meditation Click to read: 2 Corinthians 2:11 Recently I got to share on “Exposing Common Lies.” I felt that I should share some of those here for the purpose of showing the lies of the enemy for what they are (lies) and look at God’s truth which counters the lie. One lie the enemy tells people goes something like this: “Holiness is for strong Christians. There are some people who are just born strong Christians, and they … Read entire article »
Filed under: Meditations
Meditation 37
Today’s Meditation Click to read: Luke 7:19 Have you ever felt like John the Baptist here? His whole life had been devoted in preparation for his ministry which he had faithfully been carrying out up until the time that he was put into prison. He had preached, baptized, rebuked, exhorted and had his fill of locust and wild honey. Every day he had gotten up to the same task: prepare the way of the Lord and make … Read entire article »
Filed under: Meditations
Meditation 36
Today’s Meditation Click to read: Hosea 3:4-5 Please join me in prayer today for the people of Israel, that they would indeed seek the Lord and David their king. Pray with me that they would fear God and His goodness in these latter days. “But isn’t this a prophecy which will happen no matter what?” someone might ask. I am reminded of Daniel, who, when he came to understand through reading holy scripture that the time of captivity … Read entire article »
Filed under: Meditations
Meditation 35
Today’s Meditation Click to read: Mark 7:33 At the risk of sounding trivial, I wonder why Jesus spit. I asked Him that when I was reading this scripture the other night. If we did not know that all scripture is given by inspiration, we might guess that He had to clear His throat when He was praying for this man. (He was, after all, a man.) We could all probably come up with several ideas as to why … Read entire article »
Filed under: Meditations
Meditation 34
Today’s Meditation Click to read: 2 Timothy 2:23 Do you want a tip for avoiding a lot of unnecessary stress in your life? Paul gives it to us in this passage. Avoid foolish questions. Avoid questions that arise out of ignorance. Don’t spend time making the minor things the major things. Petty arguments come from petty people who have a petty view of you and probably of God, too. These people more often than not view themselves … Read entire article »
Filed under: Meditations
Acts 10: Peter and Cornelius
This is the story of Peter and Cornelius as told for a group of children. Enjoy, and please don’t forget to leave feedback. [display_podcast] Acts-10-Peter-and-Cornelius … Read entire article »
Filed under: Bible Studies, Podcast
Meditation 33
Today’s Meditation Click to read: Mark 7:25-30 When did the demon leave? Many times in the Gospels and in Acts we are given the stories of persons who were delivered from unclean spirits. As with the story of the man tormented by a legion of demons, many of these people were expressly delivered by Jesus and His disciples casting out the unclean spirits. Because of these stories, people have developed complete manuals on “How to Conduct Spiritual … Read entire article »
Filed under: Meditations
Meditation 32
Today’s Meditation Click to read: Mark 7:24 Is Jesus in the house? When Jesus visited a remote, out of the way corner of Israel, one of those getaway spots you see advertised in brochures, He wanted to get a little peace and quiet. But where do you go to really get away when you have the power and anointing of God at work in your life? That’s a good question. Even with Jesus desiring to be hidden, … Read entire article »
Filed under: Meditations